T BAILEY, INC. was awarded the Steel Tank Institute & Steel Plate Fabricators Association 2011 Tank of the Year Award in the Standpipe category for the City of Kent, WA 640 Zone Reservoir project.
T BAILEY, INC. fabricated and erected a new 127′ high x 75’diameter AWWA D100 section 14 welded steel four million gallon potable water standpipe for the City of Kent, WA. The City commissioned an artist to paint a customized landscape scene on the standpipe to blend it into the surrounding environment. This tank is part of several phases by the City to develop the site which will ultimately house the City’s Public Works Department. The enormous tank foundation required mass excavation of 9000 cy. for the 18’w x 5’h spread footing and 3’w x 13’ high stemwall with cast in place vaults that contained over 81 tons of reinforcing steel and 1500 cy of 4000 psi concrete. 98 each 3 ¼” diameter x 8’ long anchor bolts were required to anchor the approximate 34.5M lb. tank (approx. 1M lbs. of steel plus weight of water at capacity). The completely seal welded self -supporting dome roof weighed approx 58,000 lbs. and was built on the ground and lifted into place using a 550 ton crane.