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The T Bailey Blog

Tank Inspection: Why Is It Important?

Whether your industrial tanks are designed to store fuel or water, it is vital to have them tested regularly. A tank inspection will identify any problems that threaten the structural integrity of the tank, like corrosion. As this article explains, regular testing will prevent leaks and other potentially serious problems.


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Industrial Coating

Surface Preparation Methods: Why You Need Both Automated and Manual Blasting Operations

The surface preparation of steel is the first critical step to ensuring a coatings project is going to last a long time. Before the project can begin it is important to remove mill scale and any other contaminants present on the surface to be coated. The mill scale is the flake surface of hot rolled steel that is present after the steel is forged...

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What to Consider for Your Water Reservoir Project

Water reservoirs play a crucial role in ensuring a reliable and sustainable water supply. Whether you are considering an industrial storage tank for use in the fuel or transportation industry, or a water reservoir for municipal storage needs, it is essential to understand the various factors involved in its design, construction, and maintenance. 

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How Does a Floating Roof Tank Work?

All floating roof tanks provide safe, efficient storage of volatile products with minimum environmental vapor loss. They're particularly useful in the petrochemical industry for products with high vapor pressure, such as naphtha, gasoline, and crude oil.Reducing filling and breathing losses benefits the bottom line and helps to meet environmental..

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Tank Bottom Types: Uses and Designs

When selecting or designing a tank, an important consideration is, “Which is the best tank bottom type?” The base of your tank has a significant effect on the way it operates. You should consider the function of the tank, its diameter, working position, and drainage requirements.

Read further to explore the four basic geometries of tank bottom..

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The Different Types of Oil Storage Tanks

The late 1800s saw the introduction of the first steel oil storage tanks. Over successive years, various types were developed for different applications. The profusion of standard tanks ranges from compact 160-gallon double-wall heating oil tanks to 26,400,000-gallon behemoths holding crude oil. Read on for more fascinating facts.

What Is an..

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